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In the spirit of economy, sustainability and sharing, this website is now hosting two very different sets of information - and very different stuff for sale!​

We hope you don't find it confusing ...

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I’m a mum, a nan, and a great-gran and I I make customised and personalised Keepsake and ‘memory’ items, from clothes that are precious to you.

For example,

  • Memory quilts from baby clothes, or from a favourite item belonging to someone who has passed away, ensuring your memories are preserved and live on for generations.

  • Dolls’ clothes from a child’s favourite dress, nightie or PJs that he or she has outgrown.

The Keepsakes are all handmade by me, and I try to use all of the most special parts of the clothing you send me, so that you receive the item that means the most to you.

Click on the image above to go to Nanna B

I write books, I edit books for others, and I am an Indie Publisher. Occasionally I run a market stall or attend a book fair. I also teach creative writing.


You can find out more about me and read about my books and the books of other local authors  by clicking on the icon opposite >>>>>


I have temporarily hidden some  books from the shop, to allow Nanna B to get off the ground more easily.

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Click on the image above to go to Alana Beth Writes

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